

Friday, March 09, 2007


Yesterday, the FedEx man delivered my new digital camera. Its nice. I like it. I have no clue how to run it. It comes with a "bible" of sorts that explains how to run the machine. Do most people read these novels when they get their cameras - or do they just throw caution to the wind and experiment? I have grand ambitions of taking Reagan's 3 month pictures myself. (Yes, I know, she was three months two weeks ago.)

After we celebrated the arrival of the new camera, we continued the fun by getting our new refrigerator.

It had to be slightly disassembled to make it in through the door. Once in the kitchen, it became quite apparent that it was extremely large. More so than the previous appliance that kept its spot warm. In fact, so large that it would not, as our amazing luck would have it, fit in its assigned opening. Fortunately we were able to "modify" the opening in a short amount of time and it is now quite snug, but quite beautiful. Hubby explained to me that this fridge is the same size as its predecessor. I beg to differ. I can fit inside of this one. Yes, its huge. This may come in handy when its really hot outside and I need to cool off. (Relax mom, I'm joking. I have not forgotten your horror stories about children who get into refrigerators and freezers.) Even though my house is covered in sawdust from our um...modification process, its very pretty and shiny and bright. Seriously, the lights inside are just painful first thing in the morning.

This weekend, we will be cleaning the sawdust off of every item we own - because apparently that stuff just seeps into and onto every possible surface. I had the brains to do no cleaning in the weeks with mini-fridge. I told myself repeatedly that I would just clean when the new fridge was here. Little did I know.... Oh well. All is well that ends well.

Hopefully in the next few weeks I can start posting a few pictures and you people can see what is happening in our lives as well as read about it.

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