

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The things I do to amuse my child...

I read this funny book called "Sleeping Through the Night...and Other Lies". Its pretty entertaining I must say. One of the suggestions they had was chanting the word "boozha" to your baby in an effort to make them happy. At the time I thought, how ridiculous - like that would ever work. In one of Reagan's marathon crying sessions, I caved. BOOZHA BOOZHA BOOZHA, I chanted loudly. She stopped crying immediately and smiled. Its now one of my favorite words.

On any given day, a new thing will amuse her. Sometimes you will find me singing really strange songs. One night Brian was reading a book to her and he started making up stuff. I know this because it was a book about body parts. Ears are for hearing. Eyes are for seeing. Tongues are for tasting. Private parts are for hiding. Only a daddy...

Sometimes we dance. Sometimes we sing. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we clap and make strange duck-like noises. Sometimes we shake rattles in her face. Sometimes we blow raspberries. Sometimes we wave our arms and act like complete fools. Whatever works.

All this can be summed up in one word - OBNOXIOUS! Strangely, babies seem to like obnoxiousness. The word boozha - when chanted repeatedly - is probably obnoxious. It must be. It works. So for the time being, our newest fond obnoxious behavior is BOOZHA.

I wonder if she thinks I am saying the word "Boozer"? Am I teaching my child that someone who indulges in the drink a little too much and a little too often is amusing? Sure, these thoughts flutter through my mind. But just as quickly they are ushered back out in case my sensible self decides its bad for her character development. Besides, my sensible self needs a little quiet in order to operate.

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