Good. Reagan decided to completely amaze her parents on Saturday. I had Bible study, so as I scurried off for my coffee and muffin, Hubby bundled her up and got ready to run some errands. A little background - Reagan does not enjoy sitting in her carseat for long periods of time unless the car is moving. Running errands involves Reagan sitting in her carseat for long periods of time not in a moving vehicle. I got home after Bible study and find Hubby unpacking groceries while Reagan rested comfortably in her carseat, calmly looking around. I was astonished to discover that she had been in her carseat for nearly 2 hours - completely and perfectly content. I thought it was a fluke, but apparently it wasn't. Hubby left for the day and her good behavior continued! She took lovely naps. She cuddled and cooed. We went on a long walk for which she stayed awake and watched in amazement as the tree branches came into view. She was just terribly easy and fun.
Hilarious. Hubby is apparently unhappy with some of my blogging content as of late. He asked me why I felt the need to post pictures of every single thing we have purchased in the last week. He then informed me that he was afraid to buy underwear for fear it would end up on my blog.
Return. Guess who's back. We were eating a leisurely Sunday lunch when low and behold a sweet robin fluttered into the tree outside our deck. We were horrified when he proceeded to take flight and fling his body against our sliding door. Osama is back. Our dislike of him has only increased over time. So much so that we spent the entire afternoon saying, if I had a gun right now I would have a perfect shot. Our home improvements plans this spring include killing the robin. Hubby is borrowing a bb gun. He will shoot the robin and run outside and smash it with a shovel. I totally condone this behavior, but want nothing to do with it. I just want Osama gone.
OK, Jean, my apologies...your page was not automatically updating and I hadn't noticed any posts since Jan. You have, in fact, been very prolific, and I am most impressed you made a post at 6:56A!
Oops. I had the wrong time format. Actually, I posted at 8:56 a.m. Not so impressive, I am afraid.
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