I used to stare out my office window and watch young women pushing strollers and wondering what it is like to be a stay at home mom (SAHM). The weather would be gloriously nice and I would be stuck inside and these women would pass by my window on a leisurely stroll with their little ones. Since I work 3 days a week, the other 2 days of the week I am one of those people.
Staying home 2 days a week gives me a small taste for what it must be like to be a SAHM. Some days are better than others. Some days (not too often) Reagan is really fussy and I spend all of my time holding her, feeding her, walking around with her, etc. Not much gets accomplished on those days. Other days she is really good and I am able to let her play on the floor by herself for a while. Those days I am able to at least get supper ready by the time Hubby gets home. I make it a goal to get a few things done during the day. I like to make the bed, put the dishes in the dishwasher, prepare a meal, and tidy up a bit. Nothing too over the top, but enough that I have something to do. While my main goal is spending time with Reagan, I also want her to know that Mom does not exist solely to entertain her from sun-up to sun-down.
When I tell people I am working 3 days a week they always ask how that is going. I think they expect to hear me say "Awful, I hate those 3 days." But in all honesty, our little schedule is working really well...for all of us. Reagan actually loves to go to daycare because there are all these little people that she can watch. And watch she does. Apparently, she rarely cries at daycare. At home, she gets to spend time with Mom and we have a good time together. She likes to cuddle from time to time and often tries to talk to me while we do that.
For my part, I enjoy getting out of the house every now and then. Work is enjoyable for me because it challenges me, makes me get out of my pajamas, lets me talk to other adults, and pays for our house. Staying home is enjoyable because I get to spend the day with my daughter. Basically, we play, go on walks, read, eat, sleep. Its a good mix.
Besides, as much as she spits up lately, I need those days off just to do her laundry!
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