

Monday, March 26, 2007

Cookies & Lessons

Its odd when you cannot remember what you did on a Friday night - especially odd if you can't remember and it has nothing to do with um, any alcohol of any kind. I think we just stayed home and did nothing. Whatever it was, it wasn't memorable...obviously.

Saturday morning Reagan slept in her crib till 8:00. Hubby and I were a bit unfamiliar with such behavior so we didn't know precisely what to do with ourselves. When in doubt, sit on the couch and watch the Today show. Later, we packed up the peanut and went off to get groceries...at all 3 grocery locations. We're odd. We know. By stop #3, Reagan had had it and we stayed in the car. One of us screaming. One of us balancing the checkbook. Both of us in some amount of discomfort apparently. While Reagan took a nap Hubby and I made cookies - at his request. Since he offered to help, I obliged. We decided to make two batches. Only one batch would fit in the mixer at a time so I helped with the first batch - measuring ingredients and showing him how to follow the recipe. While I baked the first batch, he set to work mixing the second. When he was "done" the batter looked a bit funny. It wasn't light and fluffy like mine. It was a bit heavy and sticky. Odd, I thought. Oh well. Maybe it was just too warm. I began baking it too. The "cookies" came out looking very biscuit-ish. So I quizzed him.

J - Did you put in enough sugar?
B - Yes.
J - Eggs?
B - Yes.
J - Flour?
B - Yes, all four cups. I measured.
J - Salt?
B - Yes.
J - Baking soda?
B - What?
J - Baking soda.
B - There's baking soda in these?
J - Apparently not in your batch.
B - Oh. Does that make a difference?
J - Clearly.

They are edible - though again, they look a bit funny and are a bit more crunchy than normal.

After Reagan woke up from her nap we went on a LONG walk. When we got home my legs were quite tired but I made the soup you found on my previous post. It was so so so good. Seriously - its restaurant quality stuff. Hubby hopes this means I won't want to go out to eat as often.

Sunday was a nice day - though extremely hot. I have all of two things in my closet which do not fall into the category of sweater or long-sleeved. Must. Go. Shopping.

Reagan spit up only 3 times that morning when we were at church. Last week was 7. She spit up right before the morning service and this irritating older lady (who has NEVER spoken to me before I had children) came up to me (while I was mopping the spit off the carpet), shook her finger and said "You fed her too close to church, mom." First of all, she doesn't even know my name, or Reagan's. Clearly its been several decades since she had a baby. What's more, I doubt any of her children spit up as much as mine. We will be avoiding her for a while - since she feels it necessary to spread her pearls of wisdom cuz clearly, I am stupid. Honestly, I should have said, "We could just never feed her before church and then she surely wouldn't spit up! Great idea!" I don't mind people giving advice. I don't mind people asking questions like "Do you feed her right before you leave for church?" I don't mind some helpful hints. Old birds walking up to me and TELLING me what I am doing wrong have no warm fuzzy spot in my heart.

After church, Reagan and I napped on the couch. Hubby played racquetball. I was on praise team in the evening and it went pretty well. I made the people stand up and move forward because they were no less than 10 pews from the front and it was a bit ridiculous. Post-worship we went to our Amazing Race party and had a good time watching a good episode with REALLY good bars!

In Reagan news, for the past 4 nights I have put her in her crib while she is awake and I walked away. She has put herself to sleep with almost no crying whatsoever. She has also been sleeping some better. She will usually sleep in her crib till at least 4 or 5 o'clock. This morning it was 6:45. We are feeling exceptionally well-rested now. We still have to get up 3 or 4 times a night to put her pacifier back in. But that is a LOT better than sitting in a chair rocking her for an hour while she screams. Now its back to work!

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