

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Accomplishments...of mine...sort of...not really...who cares...they're mine

I like to take credit for things which I did not do. Quite frankly, I feel like super-parent today. Lately, I have been trying this thing where I put Reagan down for her naps and for bedtime while she is totally awake. And I walk away. At least 6 times in a row she has put herself to sleep with minimal crying. Accomplishment #1.

The last two nights, I put Reagan to bed and she slept till 6:30. I have been giving her long speeches about how refreshed she would feel if she slept all the way through the night. She blinked in response at the time but now I know she was listening and deciphering every word. Accomplishment #2.

Reagan used to scream after her bottles were gone and it was a bit confusing. She would get really mad - red face, arched back, tears, clenched fists - the whole bit. So after a consultation with our doc, we began giving her more in a slower bottle. My child can now hardly stay awake to finish the contents. When it is gone and I shake it a little bit to get the last few drops out she laughs. Another plus, she isn't barfing it all up afterward either. Accomplishment #3.

Reagan measured small in weight when we went in for her four month appointment. She was only 13 pounds. That's not scary small - just petite. On a whim, I weighed her yesterday. My little chunk put on 1.5 pounds in the past 5 days. Amazing, I know. We are close to the 15 pound goal - supposedly that's when we don't have to feed her when she wakes up at night...IF she wakes up at night. Accomplishment #4.

Yesterday, with no prompting or encouragement whatsoever, I walk in the living room to find that she has rolled over onto her tummy all by herself. Granted, she was a little ticked off at the whole situation and didn't really understand her predicament was her own doing. I found the whole thing amusing. Accomplishment #5.

Before you all laugh at me, I do realize that just when I get things figured out they all change again. But for the time being, I am greatly enjoying my daughter who sleeps, eats, doesn't spew, etc. I also know that really, I didn't have a lot to do with all this. But I'm going to take credit for it because, well, someone should. And as of yet my brilliant baby hasn't figured out how to do that. Trust me, it'll be the first thing I teach her. It won't be long before I hear her say "Look here everyone, I slept through the night. I would enjoy a large bottle this morning, after which I would request someone change my diaper. Thank you."


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