

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happy 14th Birthday, Maddie!

 Dear Maddie,

Today you are 14 years old.  When I look back at this past year with you, I see so much good to celebrate.  What an incredible year you have had! 

I should not be surprised that the same girl who came home from preschool and wanted to put on lip gloss grew into an 8th grader who loves makeup, fashion, and creating “looks”.  You are the resident fashion expert in this house.  I’m never sure what you are going to end up wearing each day, but it’s always something cute.  You frequently compliment your own family members on their outfits, and it always puts a smile on my face.

I’m not sure if you ever really stop moving.  We went right from the busyness of summer to volleyball, then straight to basketball, then straight to track.  An asthma diagnosis did not slow you down one bit.  You learned quickly how to manage that without missing a beat.  It’s been fun to watch you try so many different things to find your favorites.  You are a very good volleyball player, and I cannot wait to watch you play in high school.  You were a great basketball player as well and I loved cheering you on and watching you lead your team.  You also loved running track even though you chose one of the hardest races as your favorite (800 meter).  What I love the most about you in sports is the great teammate you are.  You are coachable.  You are respectful.  You give your all every time.  You cheer on your teammates and keep a positive attitude.  You have worked so hard at every sport, and I really admire the way you have massively improved over the years.

The highlight of your year was being involved in various theater productions.  You performed as Mother Gothel (an evil villain) in your class production of Tangled (Rapunzel).  You took ownership of that role and performed it so brilliantly.  Taking the stage with some of your best friends was the icing on the cake.  It was really fun to see you flourish on the stage.  Your confidence in your ability to deliver a scene was awesome.

Speaking if your friends…oh my goodness.  These girls!  I think it might be rare for a parent to love their kiddo’s group of friends as much as I love yours.  You four are all so fun and silly and close and encouraging.  I knew you had found just the right people when all 3 of them showed up to your basketball game one night with a poster to cheer you on.  I can SEE the way they love you and that gives my heart so much peace and joy.  You girls steer clear of drama and don’t make things complicated.  Many of my pictures of you have them in there as well and it’s just a lot of fun.

Planning for high school has been challenging at times because you just cannot choose.  You enjoy band AND choir.  You like volleyball AND basketball AND track.  You are a gifted student following in your sister's high-achieving academic footsteps.  I know whatever you choose you will put your whole heart into it.

You love makeup and neutral colors and YouTube.  You love movies and giant books.  You love pandas and leggings and tall white Nike socks.  You love your family, your friends and your nieces and nephews.  You love teaching and music and homemade crunch wraps.  You love trends and brands and shopping till we drop.  You love smoothies from Scooters, making colorful and creative to-do lists, and the art of hand-lettering. 

I love how we laugh together.  I love that I can always tease you until you smile.  I love that you like a certain boy, but you aren’t obnoxious or weird about it.  I love that I can sometimes embarrass you with my mom-awkwardness and you will just slap your head in dismay.  I love how neat and tidy you are (most of the time).  I love how responsible you are and how we can trust you to help your brother with various things when we aren’t available.  I love the way you forgive us for every time we have forgotten to pick you up from school or sports.  I love your sense of humor and the way you can always make your dad laugh. 

You aren’t perfect and you don’t have to be.  I know the heart inside of you is crazy beautiful – even moreso than the outward beauty you have.  Ultimately, the music, the acting, the sports, the academics all come second in importance.  I care so much more about walking alongside you in who you are becoming.  God gave you so many amazing talents and skills.  You are unique.  Every year with you has so many wonderful surprises.

We genuinely enjoy being around you, Maddie.  God has so many wonderful plans for your life and I am so excited to see how He will use you in His kingdom.  When something disappointing happens or you experience a hard time, pursue Him.  His purpose and vision for you is so much bigger than just this earthly life.  His promises to you are rich and abundant and trustworthy.  You are deeply and wildly loved, by your friends, your family, your church, your siblings and your parents – but most of all by your Savior.  You are not only our joy, but also His. 

Happy Birthday, Fluffy. 

I love you so.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mom's description of you makes me love you more! You are a joy!
Happy Birthday