

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tot School - Letter E

Since I prepared all these lessons ahead of time, I am as excited as Reagan to find out what activity we are doing each week. This week we tackled the letter E. Just after Maddie was born, I put up a board of sorts on one wall in our playroom which has the alphabet and hand-drawn pictures of things that begin with each letter. And every week when Reagan finds out what letter we are studying she jumps down off her chair to go find it on the wall and tell me what words start with it. I never asked her to do that, but its just something she thinks is fun. And I’m quite happy to see her get some use out of the alphabet tiles I spent many many hours creating for her and Maddie.

ELMO is the first thing we thought of for the letter E! I had her color a few pictures of Elmo. She did fine with the first one, but then refused to color the second Elmo red so he ended up green and purple. And then she got sick of coloring. But it was a good time for me to help her see how coloring in the lines looks nicer. She did well with the purple so I was glad to see some improvement.

Then we did our ELEPHANT EARS craft. I had printed (in color) and then cut out all the shapes in advance. So all that was left was to stick some tape on each piece and help her assemble it. She did well with this and I was pleased that it was not something beyond her ability level.

After that Reagan wanted to draw some pictures for her grandparents. I suggested she draw her own E on the paper – showing her step by step how to draw one. You cannot imagine how excited I was to see her accomplish it on her first try! I was very very happy and there was a lot of clapping. Perhaps some happy dancing. She smiled. Then we applied some EASTER stickers (which included EGGS) to each paper. We’ll be mailing these off to the grandparents soon!

And lastly, I tried to get a book about EAGLES at the library, but the books they had on the shelf were way too long and specific. I reserved one that was checked out (from the EASY section) so when that comes in we will be able to study EAGLES as well.

Letter E was EXCELLENT!

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