

Friday, March 23, 2007


Reagan is officially 4 months old as of yesterday. I'd tell you she is getting so big, but she is a little peanut. After topping the charts at birth, she has leveled out a lot and is now fairly petite for her age. We visited the doctor yesterday wherein he basically told me I am doing everything right and then she got more shots. She didn't cry at all. Just like she sleeps all through the night. She never spits up. She laughs at my every word. She never has a blowout diaper. Rrrrrright.

After her pain-free shots, I packed her and her tylenol up in the car and we journeyed off to do some shopping with my mom and sister. We had a nice lunch at Panera Bread (yum). We wandered around the mall looking for dresses for my brother's wedding. Strollers are very handy things when you go to the mall. Before children, I had to actually CARRY my packages. Unthinkable, I know. Now we just slipped them all on the stroller. Sure we had to carry the child, but she isn't as heavy as my packages. See, small babies pay off. Anyway, after a whole day of shopping, one of us left with a dress and the rest of us left with sore feet. Here's what Reagan will be wearing to the nuptial event of the year.

Regan still has not shaken her cold so last night was a doozy yet again. My child will sleep through a thunderstorm. But the minute it stops, she wakes up. Hubby messed with her for what seemed like hours but was actually 1 hour. They fell asleep in the chair and that's precisely where I found them this morning.

So Reagan is tired because, contrary to her own beliefs, she does need more than 7 hours of sleep. I am tired because I walked all over the place with the girls. Hubby is tired because he messed with child who needs no sleep.

The good news is tomorrow is a new day wherein we may sleep on the couch as much as we please. Hallelujah!!!

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