Yesterday, I went to West Des Moines for a root canal. Yes, my dentist is in town. No, he could not do my root canal because he books something like 4 months in advance and felt I couldn't wait that long. Yes, he sent me to a specialist in Des Moines. Now that we have all your questions answered, we will move on.
Hubby and I left bright and early for the big city since we wanted to get some shopping in before my 2:00 appointment. I learned something valuable - shopping during the week is totally relaxing and wonderful. We were often the only customers in the stores. Loved it. Reagan handled the whole experience reasonably well. Hubby basically took over the mommy role and let mommy do some shopping. I enjoyed it, for the most part, and got a LOT of clothes for that little girl this summer!
After our adventures with stroller were done, we headed off to the Endodontist. I really had no idea what to expect. When I checked in they handed me what can only be described as a menu. Yes, I will start with the periodontal gum disease treatment for my appetizer. As a main course I would like a molar root canal with a side of local anesthetic. And for dessert I will have an extraction of tooth #11. Okay, so all I ordered was the molar root canal. Now, I have an uncanny knack for finding the most expensive anything no matter where I go (restaurants, furniture stores, The GAP). I don't look at the price tag until I have decided I really like something - only to find out that I have picked the MOST expensive item. My talent now extends to endodontic dentistry.
For $800, let me tell you what I got.
I was ushered to the room by a very friendly and extremely tan dental assistant. She was quite pleasant and friendly. The room was very strangely pink. The chair was pink. The dentist's stool was pink. The x-ray apron was pink. My dentist in town has chairs that face a brick wall (although, for the expensive treatments you get to watch a flat screen tv). The room had a chair facing a picture window which stretched all the way across the room and looked out on a frozen pond. All of the medieval torture devices they call dental tools were safely behind me and out of my view. As I waited, I was entertained by some Canadian geese they had flown in just for me. Although, for $800 they could have flown in a flock of flamingos or Michelle Kwan - you know, something more colorful.
The endodontist was a cheerful old guy. He was really quite nice and entertaining. I was most glad I didn't have a cold when I discovered they were going to cover my entire open mouth with a sheet of plastic or rubber or something - making me breathe exclusively through my nose. The nice old guy narrated the entire procedure. He also asked repeatedly if I could feel anything and every time I could he would give me another delightful dose of anesthesia. After 45 minutes of drilling and scraping and poking and filling, we were all through.
Get this - it was the most pain-free dental procedure I have ever had in my life. It was fabulous. I actually almost enjoyed myself. I actually almost fell asleep. I actually wouldn't be at all afraid to do it again. However, there is some hurt. The only pain felt is in my pocketbook!
1 comment:
Hey girl, I am laughing. once again, your writing has captured me. :) I have supposedly 5 cavities (yikes!) to be filled - but yeah, there is an expense there I'm not sure we're wanting to afford. it's a tough call. Money in the pocket book vs. good teeth. ha ha! just kidding :)
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