A few days ago, I did something I swore I would never do and which my mother would not believe I did. I darned socks. Outrageous, ridiculous, bizarre. I know. I don't understand it either. It all started when years ago I got these really nice black socks with gray toes and heels. The are wonderfully warm and yet dressy enough that I can wear them out and about. I loved them for many moons. You can imagine my disappointment and distress when I discovered a hole in the bottom of one. Blast. You can imagine my horror when I discover an equally depressing hole in its twin as well. For weeks they rested in my drawer. Frequently I would forget about the holes and pull them out, only to remember their imperfection and place them somberly back in the drawer. I don't sew much. I only repair things if I have high hopes of wearing it in public again. Otherwise, it is relegated to the only-wear-at-home division of my wardrobe. But holey socks don't really make sense - even at home. Most often, socks are sent to Hubby's stash of rags - you know, so he can use it when he checks the oil (judging by the size of the rag stash, this doesn't happen very often). What overcame me, I will never guess. I pulled out the socks, realized it was time to take them out of hospice or do emergency surgery. I retrieved my sewing kit. I darned them - in word and deed. And now, I have a like-new pair of wonderfully warm, gray-toed and heeled, black socks.
My epizudicous went from bad to worse. I found myself laid up Monday night with a fever and a weird throat thing. My fever left, but it left me with a worse weird throat thing. I now cough and hack and ahem all too frequently. My voice may or may not make an appearance - one never knows. Usually after a hefty mucousy hack, I can get most of my voice back. But that tends to gross people out so I am trying not to do that. Also, I slept on the couch last night 1) because I didn't want to wake up Hubby and Reagan with my incessant coughing and 2) because I could sleep upright and hopefully stop hacking.
I had a worship team meeting, of which I am chair. The meeting went fairly well. I brought an 12 point agenda and we made it through 11 of them. I rather impressed myself. I did have to re-direct some discussions every once in a while, but for the most part people were cooperative. That being said, I am disappointed in the lack of positive feedback given. It seems that people feel the need to be critical and harsh when given the opportunity to voice their opinions. I wish I could teach these people to speak the truth in love.
The weather is so nice here that it inspired me to take Reagan on a long walk yesterday. We enjoyed it. When I got home she decided to take a nice long nap and I had opportunity to bake my little darned socks off. I opened the window and proceeded to bake a whole pan of peanut butter brownies (for worship team) and a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (for Hubby). Worship team people ate 3 brownies. This marks the last time I cook for them. But it was an enjoyable afternoon of fresh chocolate flavored air.
Hi, I'm avalonxx from the JCMB. Just so you know who I am. :)
My youth pastor had our youth team read "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni (I think I spelled it correctly), you might want to look into that. It helped us! :)
Hmmm I'm wondering who avalonxx for JCMB is. Very mysterious. Wow!! You darned socks? Amazing. Do you want about 100 more pair to darn? Did you really darn them, or did you just sew the holes shut? Real darning has a definite procedure.
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