

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So here's where I'm at

Reagan had a good first day at daycare on Monday. Of course it is a process for her to get used to lots of little kids, but word has it she was fairly entertained by all of them. She is somewhat of a celebrity baby because she is the littlest one there and the other kids think she is just pretty cute. This is honestly what I was told so don't read any mommy-bragging into that statement. And I had a nice first day back. I enjoyed working again. I even managed to work the whole day and not call to check on Reagan. I was sure if I did I would hear her and lose every ounce of concentration I managed to muster for the day. When I got there Monday at 5, she had big smiles for me so that was a warm-fuzzies moment.

Tuesday we had a lovely relaxing day at home. We took a nice big nap in the recliner together. Reagan was super good all day. She had lots of smiles and took great naps. I also had lots of smiles and took equally great naps. We needed a day there to recharge and reorganize.

Today I am back at work. Mr. Bossman is back from his vacation. I think he is relieved to have me back, but at the same time still trying to figure out how three days a week is going to work. I have faith that we will all figure it out. Reagan smiled at me this morning when I dropped her off so that makes me feel good. I like to have that mental image for the rest of the day.

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