Every Tuesday and Thursday since Reagan was born, one of the lovely young ladies in our church has brought us a meal. This is just something that we do for all the families when they have a new baby. After years of bringing meals to everyone else, it has been our turn. And I can honestly say the women in my church KNOW how to cook! Wow. I am impressed.
I have never categorized myself as someone who likes to cook. In fact, when it was my turn to bring a meal to another family, I agonized for hours on end about what to bring. My thoughts were not "what meal can I cook that will really impress these people?". No. My thoughts were "what can I cook that will be edible and not immediately thrown away?". Complicated, I know. I prepared these meals feeling somewhat angry about having to do it. Don't get me wrong, it was a volunteer thing. I volunteered. But I didn't enjoy it.
Maybe its this having a baby thing that has turned me domestic. Maybe it is seeing (and devouring) the successful meals other women my age can cook. Maybe it is knowing just how much these meals mean when you have had no sleep, no shower and can't run to the store and get groceries on a whim. Whatever it is, I have been bitten by the cooking bug. Each Tuesday and Thursday night when a tantalizing dish arrives at my door, I get inspired. I have the unquenchable urge to make grand dinners. I have a newfound confidence. Gone are the days of crying over unfrostable pumpkin cookies. Welcome the new age of woman who doesn't cry when one attempt flops. Rest assured, much to Hubby's dismay, she will try, try again until she gets it right. The journey is painful. The destination is glorious.
While I once thought all those meals were just nice - I now understand they are necessary. So cooking for other people is something I take on with love.
Have I mentioned how handy it is that I have more time to do this now that I work part time. That could be part of my new cooking happiness too.
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