

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Goodbye dial-up

The only computer access I have while at home on maternity leave is to use Hubby's laptop and dial up connection. After 10 weeks of such experience I have this profound statement to sum up: YUCKUS!

My blogging has been few and far between because this slower-than-molasses connection irritates me far beyond the reaches of my patience.

In addition, I have some glorious pictures of my little girl and have been unable to post them here because it takes longer than 90 minutes. I tried to "wait it out" one night and ended up giving up because no one picture should take that much time to "upload".

Life continues as it has around here. Reagan was baptized on January 14. I'll post pictures when I get to work and back to my normal blogging self. Reagan also had shots this week. She did marvelously well the day of the shots. Yes she cried when they attacked her with needles. But she was done crying by the time I got to the car. She really wasn't too fussy the rest of the day so I patted myself on the back for being such an awesome mom that my daughter had no trouble with her 2 month shots. NO ONE TOLD ME THE NEXT DAY WOULD BE THE WORST!!! The next day she had a fever and was none too please about it. Fortunately I quelled the panic that seems to wait in my shadow and was reassured by a nice nurse that this was all quite normal and she would be fine. Indeed she is fine as her fever has vanished. As of this minute, Hubby has decided that Reagan should watch Mommy type this post and she is completely in awe of the glow of the computer screen. Anyway, she is incredibly cute these days - smiling, laughing and talking.

I return to work on Monday. I will be working Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We found a really nice lady to watch Reagan so we are praying that transition goes smoothly for her...and mommy!! I really feel completely ready to go back to work - especially since it is part time. However, the jury is still out on whether or not I will be able to handle leaving my little girl with a babysitter - no matter how nice she is! I think I will manage, but it will be difficult too.

You can bet the blogging will get back to normal next week. Instead of the worry-wart-preggo-lady you get worry-wart-overprotective-mommy. You're waiting with bated breath, I know.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Reagan's already 2 months old! How time flies.

The new polka-dot background on your blog is cute, but a little dizzying when reading!

Miz Jean said...

Hilarious. I didn't even know there was a new background. I might experiment with changing it. Sorry for any dizzyness!