I am sure this is all perfectly normal and most people would label it as "nesting". Were you to open my freezer you would note a superfluous amount of food. Tucked away with a few frozen pizzas and Hubby's 3 containers of ice cream reside several casseroles and many containers of cookies, bars and more bars. It is full. To. The. Brim. In theory this was a really smart thing to do. Start baking and cooking now while I have some extra time and energy to prepare for the days when I have no spare time that isn't filled with a nap and my hands are full of baby care tasks. I promised Hubby after the last batch of goodies that I was really, truly done baking. I told him I would not make any more meals in advance because clearly, we have totally run out of room to store them. However, I have a desire to go home and bake some chocolate cookies with those melted marshmallows on top.
As you know I am not a cook, I am a baker. I would sooner own a bakery than a restaurant. My obsession with snacks has reached the point where when I find a good recipe, I begin to wonder if I should just make it and give it away.
I have desires to bake things which I normally won't even eat. Pies. My mother in law makes the best peach pie I have ever tasted. I have attempted it several times with moderate success. Hubby was always quite pleased. But this new baking bender has me leaning toward pies of all kinds. Cherry. Strawberry (if only it were in season). Chocolate.
And then there is this cinnamon roll recipe that is made up in my bread machine that I have been dying to try. I made cinnamon rolls from scratch once. I really mean from scratch because it took over 4 hours for one pan of 12. They were good, but wow, that was a lot of work. Anything that this bread machine can do to take any of that work off my hands would be welcomed. However, it calls for something called skim milk powder. Hubby has reported on his grocery store runs that this item rings up at no less than a lot of money for a huge box. I am undecided on if I will be making an investment just to try this recipe or not. Though each time I look at the recipe I am more convinced than ever that it is worth it.
Is this God's way of telling me that a deep freeze would be much more useful than a digital camera. Of course all of this could be explained by looking at the clock. Its lunchtime.
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