

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dr. Phil

Lots of women tell me about how they are so emotional when they are pregnant. I must admit most of the time I look at them as though they are slightly crazed. Crying at tv commercials - the thought confuses me. I don’t cry at the drop of a hat. For this both myself and hubby are extremely grateful.

However, I am not completely untouched by this emotional phenomenon. It takes very very little to make me crabby. I’m really afraid to admit this at all, but I am finding more and more that it is undeniably true. I can be having a perfectly normal morning when low and behold the receptionist leaves me a "please call so and so" note which contains a wrong number. Take cover, people. Crawl under your desk and hide because there is no escaping my wrath. I really have worried greatly about the effect all this ...um...frustration will have on hubby. Our marriage is at times a carefully orchestrated game of dodge ball. He’s speedy so he manages to stay out of the fray most of the time.

Today, was a particularly maddening day for me. In the span of one hour I got a bunch of crabby phone calls, another wrong number thanks to the receptionist, and a totally confusing work assignment. So I emailed hubby telling him I knew none of it was his problem, but I needed to vent and he was the only one patient enough to listen to me without slapping me.

Minutes later I get this reply:

"Dr. Phil says thanks for your chatter. Check back tonight for a remedy.

Just like that I am laughing - almost hysterically. Who is this awesome guy who not only patiently endures my ranting and raving, but then combats my crabbiness with humor? Who is this incredible husband who makes me laugh when I am feeling like crawling back into bed and pounding my pillow? Who is this person who watches all my craziness and knows just the right thing to get past all that and find the girl he actually really likes?

He’s so mine!!!!!!!

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