

Monday, July 03, 2006

Top 10 Fun Things About Babies R Us

1. Unlike Target, you can try everything, including the furniture. They have floor models of all their products so you can see which you like better by actually handling the item, rather than relying on an internet picture or catalog description.

2. The people are extremely helpful and friendly. They don't laugh at you when you ask them to demonstrate how a crib works. They ask frequently if you need any help, but they don't drive you crazy either.

3. There are all kinds of other expectant parents shopping and you don't feel like everyone is looking at you because you are pregnant. (For some reason, this made me very comfortable).

4. Each aisle holds something so unbearably cute you don’t know how you can leave the store without it.

5. There is so much selection. Need a bottle brush? Here are 50 to choose from. Need a crib? We have 30 floor models. Need a bouncy seat? There are 10.

6. Finding the travel system I wanted on clearance!!!!

7. The registry process is smooth and uncomplicated. For those of you who want to find us - go to http://www.babiesrus.com./ Click on Baby Registry. Enter our last name only. It should pull up our list. :)

8. Watching hubby and Babies R Us sales associate sweat for 30 minutes attempting to wedge a crib, crib mattress, and travel system in your car. You left the SUV at home for reasons which completely escape your comprehension.

9. You get home with your purchases and you are just too excited to leave them in the boxes. So you and hubby tear open each box and assemble your new baby things.

10. Watching hubby pick out the perfect crib. He was so meticulous and it really was endearing. He made an excellent choice. This is the one, only ours is white.

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