Dear Hunter,
Today you are eight years old! What a year it has been.
It wasn't too long after your last birthday that some major changes started happening in the world. When school went to virtual learning in March we had some adjusting to do. You had a great teacher but having me as an "onsite teaching assistant" in your "classroom" (bedroom) was good and bad. There were times we had fun playing some of those learning games or doing some of those worksheets. There were times that we butted heads. But overall, you actually really liked doing school at home and wouldn't have minded if it had to continue. And yet, you are having a blast in 2nd grade. You were placed with a wonderful, compassionate teacher who is so encouraging. You have great friends. I rarely hear negative words out of your mouth about school.
You have really grown into a sports-loving boy in the last year. You love to play soccer in the fall and earned yourself a nickname in our family of "Blazing Speed". One of your favorite things is when someone (anyone) will take you out into the backyard to throw a football or kick a soccer ball around. You love to go across the street to the "field" and hit baseballs that your Dad pitches to you. We were bummed that what would have been your first Little League season this summer was cancelled. But you put in the practice time regardless. Lately you tell me how much you want to play football. This terrifies me but I just smile and nod. I love your endless supply of energy.'
On weekends you love to go to Bryce's farm with your Dad. The two of you do all kinds of things out there. I mistakenly assumed that you just went along and amused yourself with whatever while Dad and Uncle Bryce did the work. But then we trimmed bushes here at our house one weekend. You were right out there the entire time helping me. You hauled away all the brush and clipped branches. I was totally amazed. Your Dad informed me that when you are out at the farm you are there to work. He has you stacking firewood, feeding cattle, and "driving" the tractor (with his help). Here's my favorite thing about all that - you never complain. You have learned how to work and do something helpful without uttering a word of complaint.
Of course, some of that complaining sometimes comes out when it comes to playing with your sisters. For the most part the three of you get along very well. They are pretty amazing at crawling along the floor driving your toy tractors or playing legos with you. You and Reagan get along terrifically. She's so patient and considerate of you. You and Maddie have a bit more of a spicy relationship. And yet the two of you have so much fun together. I'm so glad you have those girls to cheer you on in your life. They truly want nothing but the very best for you. I hope that encouragement will always be the foundation of your relationships with them and never competition.
Your free time is spent playing with your farm toys or with legos. You also love reading graphic novels. To be clear, you are totally obsessed with Dog Man, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Investi Gators, and Awesome Friendly Kid books. I love to see you curled up on the couch with a book and blanket. But I also love to see you crawling around with your RED tractors, feeding your cows and discing lines into my carpeting. Every morning you blaze through all your routines so that you can have a whole hour to play before we leave for school.
You share your love of farm toys with your Grandpa Vande Voort. And this year has been hard for you because Grandpa has cancer. Your favorite place in the whole world is Grandpa's farm. The two of you love a good tractor ride. This summer when we were there we had no idea that our days at the farm were about to change. And I'm glad. I'm glad you got that hot dog roast in the yard, that time to play in their front yard, that tractor ride without any hint of sadness. We hope there will be more time yet, but I worry about what you will feel when that chapter comes to a close. I worry about how your little heart will feel when you lose Grandpa. When we first found out about the cancer, you cried yourself to sleep. You bring such joy to your Grandpa when you are at their house playing with all those farm toys. You don't do it to make him happy - you do it because it is what you love and that brings him joy. I hope you know that he loves you so much and hates the idea of not seeing you grow up.
You have an interesting personality. At school you can seem very serious. Adults try to coax a smile out of you (which isn't too hard). I think you just want to seem mature and not silly. You are silly with your sisters and with friends. But you still hate to be laughed at or teased. And beneath all that composure is a boy who feels things big. I cry a lot sometimes. And you are so wonderfully compassionate. You just come over and without saying any words you just hug me. I hope you always keep that compassion and kindness for others. Its one of the best things about you.
You love tigers, legos, and RED tractors. You love books, matchbox cars and Lego Batman. You love huge puzzles, baking and donuts. You love football, soccer and baseball. You love tablet time, movie snacks and snuggly blankets. You are exactly the little boy we always wanted.
It can't be easy to be the youngest in the family. Lots of times those big kids get to go off and do things that you don't. They get electronics before you do. They go to friends' houses more often. They get to stay up later. I know this is a struggle for you sometimes. But those big sisters love you like crazy. Anytime they bring home a treat, they share it with you. Anytime they go to do something fun they ask you about what you did while they were gone. They tuck you in every single night. Someday I think you will look back and see how awesome it was to be youngest - to be the one loved on by those older siblings.
Just before you were born we couldn't imagine what life would be like with you - our first boy. But now eight years later we cannot fathom our family without you. You really are the icing on the cake. We love your heart, your smile, your laughter, your kindness and your stories. We love every minute of all eight years with you. All of it is a gift from a Heavenly Father who loves you so very very much. I hope you spend your whole life chasing the wonder of that love.
I love you, Hot Rod.
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