

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

From the Corner of my Piano

The corner of my piano is full.

Every few months I spend weeks researching books and reading reviews for movies.  After I've done my due diligence, I order the best and newest things I can find.  And on one happy day a large box (or boxes) is delivered to my doorstep.

Even though I know exactly what is inside, it always feels a little like Christmas to open that big box and hold those precious new books, full of their wonderful new stories, in my hands.  And then as I process them to be shelved in our church library, I go on a major reading bender.

It was only a year or two ago when our church was trying to decide what to do with the library space.  Do we keep it open?  Do we just close it and use that space for something else?  I'll be completely honest, I was ambivalent about it.  I didn't really care either way.

But then I received a request to take on a role as Co-Director.  And almost instantly a little spark ignited in my heart.  Ideas for how the space could be laid out.  Thoughts about what kinds of materials we could offer.  Plans for how we could effectively manage and organize our collection.  All of it was seemingly there in an instant.

And so the decision was made to keep our church library - but to overhaul it, remodel it, refine our collection and to invest more time, effort and resources in it.  Months of work ensued.  We sorted through shelves and shelves of books, keeping mostly just the newest materials.

For nearly a year now our library has been open and operating.  It's been getting good use and we've been kept busy ordering new materials and re-shelving the books that have been returned.  And I absolutely love it.  I love every part of it.  Every time I get to do something for our library, it feels like an opportunity and not an obligation.

Being Co-Director has brought me so much joy as I serve the members of my church family this way.  I absolutely delight in it and am so thankful that God gave me such an unexpected and wonderful gift.

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