Well, though nothing much has changed on the sleep situation around here, we are still doing pretty well.
I started Madison on baby food this week. So far sweet potatoes are a HUGE hit with her. Those were always Reagan's favorite too. Tune in next week when we try something slimy and green - like peas or green beans.
That little baby is not such a little baby anymore. She sits up by herself more and more all the time. She tips over frequently, but she can go for several minutes all on her own. She also scoots all over the floor - not crawling or even army crawling. Just sort of flopping around and shifting around. Its a sight, let me tell you! She's also fairly heavy and I must admit my back is looking forward to the days where she can walk around like her sister. She is still nursing twice a day, taking at least 4 bottles a day.
I planned a few services for December, one of them being Christmas Day, last night and wow am I in the mood for the holidays now!?
Reagan and I are doing a couple Fall/Thanksgiving crafts each week. I got some AWESOME suggestions from some of my facebook friends. I can't wait to show you what we've been doing! She really enjoys just spending the time with me one-on-one when Madison is napping in the morning. And she loves to have something to show Daddy when he comes home. I'll admit - most of the crafting is left to me. But she is very much participating and adding her own touches here and there :)
Along those same lines, I have made an Advent Chain for our countdown to Christmas. Each day is represented by a link on the chain. On each link I have written a person, place, or thing that is Christmas-related. Think "wisemen" or "manger" or "star". And I have even planned special little projects for each day's (yes, each and every one) theme. Sometimes it is very very simple - like a picture she can color. Sometimes it is more involved. But I think it will be a lot of fun. And hopefully it will help her see another side of Christmas than just the gifts and the consumerism that seems to overwhelm the true message of the season.
I'm also working on my Christmas letter and our Christmas lists. I bought Christmas cards on sale last year (genius!) so I have those pretty much ready to go. For once I am not going to be the last person to send out their holiday greetings. I do plan to still email many newsletters. I know there are people who think this is "awful!", but I also know there are people who will just read the newsletter and throw it away a day or a week later.
I have been looking through my cookbook lately and noting all the recipes I have copied but have never tried. Well, I am slowly but surely making my way through all of them. We recently had one which I will be throwing away - yuck. But over November and December I have several baked goods I am going to try out and I doubt down to the core of my soul that they will be anything but indulgent!
And I still have not made a decision on the H1N1 vaccinations. I just cannot decide. On the one hand, why in the world not? They are free and then we would be protected. End of story. On the other hand, I've heard bad things about the levels of mercury in the H1N1 shot so that makes me nervous. Cannot decide. The regular flu shot - yes, we plan on getting that when it comes available at our local clinic. But I am stumped when it comes to swine flu.
I hear a little voice calling to me so I better get going! Check back soon for some peeks at the crafts we have been doing!
Our doctor believes the positives of getting the H1N1 vaccination outweigh the negatives by far. But everyone's circumstances are different. Your girls aren't in daycare anymore and that makes a big difference. I know everyone has their opinion, but we went ahead and got it. Now we just need to get Claire her regular flu shot- who knows when that shipment will come!
You'd better just send Madison and Reagan over here for a night or two and get Doug and me used to the sleepless nights again :)
Look at you Miss Crafty!! Love it! I really can't wait to make crafts with Ava someday. I know that will be a fun memory for me and hopefully for her too :) I love that you have all your days planned out...good for you! As for the H1N1, we are getting it for Ava. I also just think the positives far outweigh the negatives and I trust the cdc to distribute something that is safe. Blame it on being a nurse's daughter, but I generally trust the medical community and am very pro-vaccine. Just admitting my obvious bent! I'm sure you guys will reach the right conclusion for your family :)
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