

Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring is springing

I spent my weekend spring cleaning. My resolve to clean the whole house dissipated once I had finished tackling the bathroom. Hubby assisted which was much appreciated. But I didn't get things as perfectly clean as I was hoping to post-bathroom-cleaning. For me, spring cleaning a room means:
  • vacuuming all carpet - including along the edge with the attachments
  • vacuuming all blinds and curtains
  • cleaning furniture top to bottom
  • moving furniture so I can clean under it
  • washing off light fixtures where appropriate
  • dusting all cabinetry
  • scrubbing sinks, tubs, shower doors and toilets with all sorts of vile cleaning agents
  • actually sweeping the ceiling
  • mopping floors
  • cleaning floor boards
  • doing anything that can be classified as "overboard"

The list continues but now that I have sufficiently proven my insanity I'll just stop there. Reagan helped out a lot - by taking a 3 hour nap. After the cleaning marathon we relaxed (Hubby watched basketball, I watched anything but basketball).

Sunday morning we attended the baptism of the son of one of Hubby's cousins. They go to "the big church" in town. We hadn't been there for a number of years but enjoyed going again. Reagan was completely fascinated by the lights. She wowed and impressed everyone sitting near us. Okay, so no one actually said they were impressed. But they were thinking it! At least I was. She looked around calmly while we sang. She fell asleep silently (no fussing whatsoever) during the sermon. She woke up calmly when it was time for the final song. She only spit up all over the carpet once. After church we attended the brunch for the baptism guests. Reagan continued her perfect behavior, sitting quietly (albeit actively) while we ate. After the meal she was tired so she just laid her little head against me and blinked quietly. Hubby and I decided that we should go home so we could let her take her long nap in her crib. I made the huge mistake of standing up. You would think I dropped her by the protest she voiced. She did one of those wind-up-scrunched-red-face-fists-clenched-growly cries that stops people in their tracks. I shushed her and said "We almost had them fooled, Reagan!" She didn't laugh, in case you were wondering.

This begins a busy week for us. I have 3 evenings of stuff. Hubby has 2 evenings of stuff. On the evenings we don't have stuff, we have church. Also, we have family coming to see "us" so we will be trying to cram in some quality time with them as well.

My picture of God's incredible glory, is of a man, badly beaten and bruised, bleeding, wearing a crown of thorns, dying on a cross...for me.


Anonymous said...

So, are you up for hire? If I pay travel fees?! I need spring cleaning to happen at my house. But I suppose we need spring to come first so I'll procrastinate until then... :) -LK

Miz Jean said...

I'll swap you for artwork. Stop laughing. I'm serious.