Reagan's favorite pastime is rolling onto her tummy and screaming in anger at her new found predicament. Needless to say, she does not like tummy time. Convinced this was all somehow my fault, she gives me dirty looks after I roll her back onto her back.
Reagan likes to play with her bottle about as much as she likes to drink it. Due to the teeth that MUST be coming soon, she gnaws on anything (and of course everything) within striking distance. Bottles not excluded. Our feeding times have now lengthened significantly as she spends the majority of the 20 minutes chewing on her bottle...not so much sucking its contents.
Reagan's most beloved toy is an octopus with brightly colored legs. Given the 8 appendages she has more success in grabbing one and then subsequently waving him around and smacking herself in the face with him. And yes, its a him because his name is Oscar. He has friends, Buzz the Beetle, Beatrice the Bee, Bob the Blue Bear, Peter the Tweeter (a blue bird). These names were given for parental purposes only. Rather than saying, grab that one with all the legs and the colors, not that one the blue one, not that one the other blue one - we have saved ourselves a great deal of time and stress by saying "Make sure you take Oscar with you!" Genius. We know.
Reagan dislikes the reclined position and spends most of her time in such position trying to do a situp. That child will have abs of steel because given the number of times she does stomach crunches she should have a membership to a gym or something.
Reagan enjoys grabbing both of her feet and yelling loudly. She then looks at you as if to say, "Ha! I found them. I am brilliant. You should be impressed."
Reagan knows exactly what her bottles look, sound and smell like. Gone are the days when I am able to make a bottle in one hand and hold her in the other. I attempted such a feat yesterday. In her efforts to snatch the unfinished bottle out of my hands, she ended up slowing down the whole process greatly which was very frustrating for her.
Reagan makes the most amusing faces while making a dirty diaper. And I am a bad mommy because I laugh.
Reagan will NOT allow her arms to be covered while she sits in her carseat. No matter how many times you flop the blanket over her little arms, she will promptly fling them both back on top of the blanket.
And last, but certainly not least, Reagan now belly laughs. Before last night, her laughs consisted of long intakes of breath combined with a smile. And, truth be told, I was beginning to wonder if that was just the way she was going to be. But upon my arrival back home after an outing last evening, she began to laugh...a lot. Even though Hubby was trying to put her to sleep, we doinked around and made fools of ourselves just to keep her going because it was so hilarious to hear her giggle.
So, as you can see, she is the most lovable little girl in the whole world.
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