

Monday, April 09, 2007

Deep breath in...deep breath out

We are in recovery mode after our fun-filled weekend.

Friday evening we had our Good Friday service at church. It was extremely moving and meaningful. Reagan didn't really seem to notice so we stood in the back of church with several other parent-child combinations.

Saturday we spent a family-filled day at the farm. Reagan got to spend time with her Grandpa and Grandma, and Aunt Krista. She enjoyed having some extra attention.

Sunday was a little more exciting...for me. I was on praise team and discovered upon my arrival at church that our oh-so-reliable-screens were not working. This threw everyone into a bit of a fit for a while. I've come to learn that it does no good to get worked up about stuff out of my control. I knew we would have church, screens or not. And of course we did. Someone rigged up a temporary projector and we went on with the service exactly as planned.

There were a few slip-ups during the service. One was a hymn which no one practiced or prepared for. Another was when I thought I would just sit in the front row so I could get up and sing again soon. Apparently, that was a bad plan. We did not get up and sing and I missed my opportunity to walk to the back to sit with Hubby and Reagan. So I spent the entire service in the front row. Oops.

After our Easter morning service, we attended a big family lunch at Hubby's uncle's house. I happen to very much like potlucks. You bring one boring dish and you get to eat everyone else's yummy interesting creations. I took a small plate thinking I would not nearly fill the big ones. Duh. Lesson learned. Reagan was most content to be held by her Grandma and the two of them got to spend some time together while Hubby and I enjoyed giving our arms a rest. Reagan took a big nap Sunday afternoon - one which forced me to wake her up for fear that she would sleep until midnight and then be awake for the day. She was a bit fussy and ended up not sleeping well last night. Hubby has a busy day today so I was attempting to handle her on my own and let him get some sleep. We survived...so far.

So after all the festivities, we are looking forward to a little back-to-normal this week.

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