I haven't had the flu in many years. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I had the flu. Truth be told, parts of pregnancy were similar to the flu, but those parts usually came in small chunks, here and there. This weekend I was reintroduced to the misery that is the flu.
It all started Saturday night. The whole day I had been feeling a bit off. That night I found I could no longer remember what it was like to sit up without throwing up. I'll spare you the gory details.
Because I am such a stellar employee, I am at work this morning. I really feel much better, but I am still not eating a whole lot. I haven't mentioned my little illness to my coworkers for fear that they will treat me like the walking plague that I am.
The little game I played Saturday morning with Reagan - the one where I blow in her face and she laughs - no longer seems funny and entertaining. She likes it when I smother her face in kisses and, of course, I can't help but oblige and give her the giggles...most of the afternoon. I have spent most of my ill hours praying more that she doesn't get it than that I get over it.
Its moments like this that I realize God gave me an incredible Hubby. He managed to take such good care of her while I was down and out that I never had to touch her. He even put on the fussy dresses and carted her off to church TWICE all by himself. He fed her numerous bottles and patted her back gently as she drifted off to sleep. He laid her on the floor and entertained her by playing with her play gym toys. He changed any and all diapers. I watched all of this from my nest on the couch with a mixture of relief and chagrin. She was incredibly well behaved for him. Much more so than she ever is with me. I was beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, she had forgotten about me.
But this morning when she woke up I was greeted by dozens of little smiles. She stared at me as if to say "I remember you! Where did you go? I'm glad you're back!" And somehow that is enough fuel to get me through my day.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you feel better Jean! My boss had the same thing last week and was out for four days. Take it easy today!
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