

Monday, February 05, 2007

Sick Eyes

When I was little, my Mom often told me she could tell when I was sick just by looking at my eyes. If I was sick, she would see my "sick eyes" and place her hand on my forehead. Truth be told, I never believed her. I was never convinced that she could tell just by looking at me if I was "sick" or not. I would look at myself in the mirror and wouldn't see anything different. Granted, hours later, after sleeping on the couch and feeling the effects of my illness, I certainly would look sick. But Mom could see it before all that happened...or so she said.

I've heard it said that your parents become very wise to you when you become a parent. I've always known my parents are wise...but now they look like geniuses.

Reagan didn't sound right Friday night. There was something funny in her cry. When she woke up at 3:30 a.m. that night screaming, I immediately knew she was sick. My poor little girl has a bad cold. Her nose is completely plugged. Her throat is congested. She has lost her voice which means she has the saddest little "silent" cry.

I looked at her and yes, she has sick eyes. Her sweet little pale face contains two little slightly puffy and pink rimmed eyes.

Brian took her to the doctor this morning while I work today. It was worth the $ to hear him tell us that we are doing everything right and she just has a virus. After many nights spent wondering if Reagan would suddenly stop breathing, we feel a little better in knowing she doesn't have a serious illness. So now we enter the "wait it out" phase.

At any rate, please pray for my sick eyed little girl.

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