

Monday, February 12, 2007

Good times

Yet another weekend has come and gone...but for the first time in a long time I feel very refreshed and energized by it. There was no cleaning or organizing done, nothing productive really took place. And surprisingly, it was very fulfilling despite the lack of manual labor.

Friday evening, Hubby and I decided a few errands needed to be run. First was a stop at church. We were the only ones there so I had plenty of time to pull music and put it in the mailboxes of the people on praise team. Hubby and Reagan set up camp in the council room - one napping and one working on a church budget. I'll let you guess who did what. After our work was completed we then went to Walmart and the grocery store. Keep in mind that last time we tried to do this with Reagan in tow, Hubby ended up in the car with her because she screamed so much I couldn't think...much less shop. I am pleased to report she was a shopping champ!! No screaming. She slept the whole time. It was wonderful. We got everything we wanted/needed in peace.

Saturday I had Bible study and thoroughly enjoyed my coffee and giant muffin. That afternoon Reagan and I spent some time together. She snuggled up with me for a little nap. Brian went to his grandparents' farm for a little while. At around 5:00 my parents arrived for babysitting duty. I really had to twist their arm ~pfff~ but they agreed to watch Reagan so we could go out for dinner with other young couples from our church. This was our first time at a restaurant since Reagan was born. We had a good time.

Sunday I had praise team. Practice didn't go so well, but most of the service went off without a hitch. I breathed a big sigh of relief after that was done. Reagan wore a really cute dress. That sounds neither impressive or interesting...but she did...so I wanted you to know. After a nice Sunday dinner my parents headed back home...reluctantly. We have to keep a close eye on them when they leave. They might try to take something that doesn't technically belong to them. Like Reagan. Anyway. Our Sunday afternoon included a very nice nap for all three of us. After which we attended the evening service.

I am feeling pretty confident when I say I think Reagan has mostly outgrown this colic business. She no longer screams for hours on end. And really, she is just getting to be a lot more fun. She laughs and smiles more every day. She cooperates very well when we go somewhere. She tolerates me putting her down for a while so I can do whatever. Its just getting easier to be a parent because we have more of an idea what we are doing now.

And for your entertainment...here's a bit of a conversation we had this weekend.

J - Don't you think she is the cutest baby you've ever seen?
B - Everybody thinks that about their kid.
J - But don't you think so? I mean...really!?
B - She's cute.
J - But isn't she the cutest?
B - I don't know.
J - People at church all said she looks like you today.
B - Well then I doubt she is the cutest.
J - No no. The appropriate response was "Well, then certainly she is the cutest!"
B - Right.
J - Well she is.
B - Okay.

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