

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

State of the Art

Hubby and I both had dentist appointments today. Mine was early today so I went in and sat in the waiting area. The first thing I noticed is the new flat screen tv hanging on the wall in front of me. I was greatly entertained by various selections from a dental educational DVD. It included an animated adventure of two little doggies who were learning the benefits of flossing regularly. I would wager that my dentist's office is the most technologically advanced in town. I certainly haven't heard of anyone else who has the same experiences when they go to their dentist. About a year ago I was having one of my (many) dental procedures done. The dental assistant handed me a remote, pulled a flat screen tv into view and told me to select whichever of the 100+ channels I wanted. Everytime we go in they put on headsets (just like they have at Old Navy) and input various pieces of information regarding our pearly whites onto the computer screen that hangs in front of the chair. Occasionally they will even take little digital pictures of individual teeth. The whole visit is entertaining. I don't know if any of this makes my dentist any better at what he does than any other dentist. I do know that it probably makes him more expensive than any other dentist in town. Trust me, I probably paid for every piece of equipment he has in there anyway. I might as well enjoy the fruits of my hard earned dollars.

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